
I’ve had the pleasure of being in this industry for close to twenty years now and from a person with a Bachelors and Masters degree what I can tell you is that getting a formal education was the worst investment I have ever made in my entire life. It’s great if you want to dedicate your life to art history, academics or becoming a neurosurgeon but other than that it has been completely useless. It was mostly done out of family expectations and societal norms. The day I graduated I took a job for $55k a year as a base salary + plus commission. I went from making $10/hr to over $55k+ a year and my employer at the time didn’t even ask me for a copy of my college degree. I was dazed and confused, surely it must’ve been a mistake, HR probably overlooked it but no, they did not require a degree. Just enough brains to pick up the phone and dial a phone number. I couldn’t believe my eyes, it was all the money in the world to me at the time. Soon I realized that as long as you’re motivated enough to breathe and are able to speak English you could recruit! I kid you not. I was making more money than all my fellow graduates and soon I would start making more than most kids who went on to the top Law and Medical Schools around the country. I was setting up 50 interviews a week. That’s quite a lot but not for the sales industry. They would hire anyone with a pulse.

After a short time I caught the attention of the CEO. I was recruiting and signing up more people than they knew what to do with them. It was great while it lasted but there was something missing; my freedom. I soon realized that I missed my freedom from my college days of working remotely part time from home as a junior recruiter and I could do this practically from anywhere as long as I had a working phone & laptop with WiFi connection. I decided after a month in to quit my salaried job and make it on my own. Pretty impulsive and irresponsible for a cocky kid right out of college but looking back it was the greatest decision I ever made. This is the time to take huge career risks in life. A time of no personal obligations like family, a mortgage and college tuition to pay for. If I was going to do it this was the perfect time.

So I call the CEO up, intimidatingly serious NY heavyweight. He was pretty irritated the second I called, must’ve been in one of his bad moods. Actually he was pretty much always in a bad mood as I remember. I told him “I think I want to work from home, think we can work something out? “NO! he replied I have to cut you loose!” I can’t have people working from home. Doesn’t work, never will.” So I said “Ok well if you ever need me let me know” Then he quickly yelled back and said “come to my office right now!”

In the span of 5 minutes I was fired, I quit, then rehired all in a moments notice.

Once I arrived, he was the nicest guy around, charming and sweet. I told him I could do this job from home, he agreed then accepted my terms. I then started a company and made him my first client. I used his last name to get 5 new clients in New York. From there I grew and expanded my business nationally.

10 years later I founded SalaryShark, it was created on the premise of transforming anyone with enough desire and intelligence to a salaried professional. I believe that a formal education is overrated and overpriced. I say this as someone with a Masters Degree who dedicated the better half of my life to the school system. I invested over a hundred thousand dollars into acquiring a piece of paper that I never even used. I hope you let my mistake be your learning experience. College is deeply ingrained in the human psyche so in reality we feel bad getting into debt and at the same time regret if we don’t go. It’s a horrible mental cycle that we all experience. It takes strong will to pass up college completely and go your own way. It has become easier and easier to justify not attending since most kids are making around $30k upon graduation. The lightbulb hit me when I realized I was making 5x more than all my college classmates and I was able to achieve all this without ever needing a degree. It was a tough pill to swallow but a huge learning experience. My goal today is to help as many people as possible achieve salaried positions with the ability to work remotely. I look forward to speaking with you now that you have completed the course. Please email me at [email protected] to get started!

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