Recruiting Fundamentals

Recruiting Fundamentals

Recruiting is not rocket science. In fact, it’s very simple and you should remind yourself that the more simplistic the process the better. It’s finding someone interested in a better opportunity and matching them up with a good job. Plain and simple. But, we have over complicated recruiting with tools, social media, process, methodology and the offer letters that take forever to execute. It’s actually quite simple but yet many companies tend to complicate it and make things complex when there is no need to.

Always see the process from a simplistic point of view and you will have a much smoother process along the way. I’d like to introduce the concept of building a relationship. You know, relationships you have with your family, spouse, and friends? Yeah, well, it requires your voice, ears, mind and soul. You invest some trust with someone. The same goes with Recruiting. You need to build relationships with candidates. They need to trust your word on a handshake and believe that what you're saying is true and that the company you are guiding them towards will deliver on their promises. These relationships are built on reputation so it's vital that you're completely transparent and lay all your cards on the table so they don't feel misled in any way, shape or form. 

Let's start with 3 basic recruiting fundamentals:

1) Interact – Over the phone, or in person, recruiters should be talking to candidates in a detailed and open manner to best capture their concerns and desires.

2) Listen – It’s not about you. It’s about what the candidate needs and how you can address those needs. The more you listen the better for everyone. 

3) Inform – Explaining your employer's needs and how to best align those needs with candidates needs. Relaying a clear message so there is no confusion between parties.

Recruiters are required to interact, listen, ask questions, and then act. Pure and simple. It’s what recruiting is all about.

I’m not knocking social media, process, and all these new dazzling recruiting tools. We truly need them. But that doesn’t replace the basics of Recruiting.

Here are 9 fundamentals necessary to achieve your desired goals as a Recruiter:

  • Have A Plan – Before you start recruiting, know what position you are recruiting for and what type of person you need to fill that role. Get your systems in place and then get ready to find qualified candidates.
  • Nail The Job Description – Spend the time to craft a well written and detailed job description if your employer doesn't already have one. The job post is essential to acquire the most qualified candidates for the position at hand so make sure all the requirements are visibly listed.
  • Know Your Sources – Determine where you are going to find job candidates. Social media, niche job boards, employee referral programs, talent pipelines, company database and LinkedIn are all good sources.
  • Respect The Candidates – Every job seeker that applies is putting time and effort into the job search. Treat them as you would want to be treated. Being fair, honest and respectful will always get you further. If someone doesn't give back those things, they are not worth your energy.
  • Always Communicate – Communication is necessary. Whether you’re delivering good or bad news, do so in a timely manner via email, phone, or in person. 
  • Be Responsive – When a job seeker contacts you, get back to them with the information they need as quickly as possible. By being responsive, you show that you care. This builds character and trust.
  • Tell The Truth – Never lie to a job candidate. Honesty is always the best policy. If you don’t know the answer, find out and communicate the right information.
  • Listen – Filling an open position at your company is not all about you. Listen to what a candidate has to say. You’ll be amazed at what you learn when you perfect your listening skills .
  • Be Patient – Hiring the wrong person can be costly. Even if you’re under pressure to fill a position, you need to be patient to ensure that you hire the right person for the job.

Did this list sound like recruiting 101? It should. While these things may seem like very basic, simple things to do, it’s shocking how many recruiters don’t do any of them. If you slip up and miss one or two, you might just let the next superstar employee slip through the cracks. When you stray from these recruiting fundamentals, it’s easy to make hiring mistakes that will hurt your current recruiting strategies and future business growth. Stick to the things that work and master these recruiting fundamentals before you get too creative and try new things. Hiring people can be a complex and challenging process. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you’re juggling recruiting efforts, building your recruiting pipeline, analyzing resumes, conducting background checks, scheduling interviews, reviewing applications, managing HR technologies, and making hiring decisions. 

The goal of hiring is to keep it simple. As soon as you complicate the situation, it makes your job way harder. If you want to make your life as easy as possible, it’s time to take the hiring process back to basics. If in doubt, always refer back to the KISS method. Keep it simple stupid. 

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